International transport

Gabriel Transport Ltd.
Gabriel Transport has been helping companies in the procurement and distribution of products for 20 years.
Professional storage of dry goods in our Szigetszentmiklós warehouse with advanced technology.
Masterly transport. One part of our fleet consists of 16-23 pallet capacity vans with a gross vehicle weight of 7.5-18 tonnes, most of which are also crane-lifted.
The other part of the fleet consists of 33 pallets with a capacity of 24 tonnes.
We deliver to all countries in the European Union. We can also deliver outside the EU, the most common destinations being England, Switzerland and Norway.
We have the solution to all your storage and transport problems: in one place, with reliable professionals and extensive experience.
Warehouse logistics and transport
Can’t afford to run your own warehouse, employ warehouse staff, buy machinery?
Don’t want to store your stock yourself?
Don’t want to buy your own vehicles?
Do you own your own car, but service and fuel costs a fortune?
Can’t find reliable labour?
Need a transport vehicle with a tailgate?
Our customers' reviews

the expertise with which the Gábors work.

we work because they are the best!